Seasonal Cleanse

We offer group and individualized detoxes. We’ve tried many different cleanses over the past few years, and we finally found a 7, 14, and 21 day system that works combing Ayurveda and Functional Medicine.

You have the option to do your cleanse individually or seasonally with a group. Doing it with others allows you to lean into the group for support and communication.

Our group cleanses are offered three times a year Spring, Summer, Fall and in the Winter Immunity Course! We have a one, two, and three week option for those who want to dive deeper into the cleanse.


Upcoming Cleanses

Karma Cleanse
Pacify Pitta Dosha
June 15 – June 24, 2019

Karma Cleanse
Pacify Pitta Dosha
July 21 – July 20, 2019

Rejuvenation and Renewal 
Pacify Vata Dosha
September 21 – September 30, 2019

Winter Immunity
Pacify Vata Dosha
December 7

Spring Ayurveda Cleanse
Pacify Kapha Dosha
March 14 – March 28/

$75 – Group Cleanse and Individual Cleanse (self led)

Info Sessions are held quarterly at our Luv Yourself Studio or by Webinar

RSVP for the Zoom link to join the Webinar Info Session

Cleanse Diving In
Cleanse Smooth and Steady
Finish up Strong

Our detox courses are designed to help you clean your body of toxic buildup, release bloating and digestive sluggishness, and lose any unwanted pounds naturally without dieting. Using the wisdom of Ayurveda, coupled with medical science, you’ll cleanse the digestive track, lymph, liver and gallbladder. Many fad cleanses emphasize extreme fasting where blood sugar crashes, whereas this gentle cleanse allows the body to enter fat metabolism to burn toxic residue residing in the fat cells of the body. We will ease into the cleanse clearing the digestive track so the body can remove toxins from the body without moving them into other cells of the body. Many Ayurvedic Pancha Karma therapies administered in spa environments costs thousands of dollars. While these are recommended, this cleanse is affordable and can be administered in your own home. It is tri-doshic so it is safe for any body type or constitution.

The great thing about our cleanse is that you get to choose what works best for you or how deep you want to go. We will have a traditional Ayurvedic Kitchari Cleanse and a functional medicine nutritional shake option for those wanting to change it up, or you can do a combination of the two.

Learn more by attending one of our info sessions or by reaching out to us or registering online!